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Advice & Solutions
for the development and the sustainability of your business

" People are responsible adults at home. Why do we suddenly transform them into adolescents with no freedom when they reach the workplace? "

Ricardo Semler

Do you need help, advice, a fresh look from outside  ?

Looking for some guidance, let someone challenge you.

Let's make sure your business is on track for the next steps of its development.

Service - English

Promote efficiency, become efficient

Involve your operating teams with the help of lean tools to find solutions based on their knowledge and the experience of teams.

Let's define a new way to operate

Your business is growing and you need to become better organized ?
Your need to understand your profitability ?
You want to define your future ?

Interim Management

You or a core member of tour team have to stay away from your business for some time ?
I take over, you maintain serenity. You avoid major discomfort.
You have plenty of projects and you don't know where to start ?
We will evaluate them together to allow you to prioritize.

You need some extra help,
a little boost.
No heavy long term commitment.

Long Term Growth Projects

Our expertize:



Monthly, yearly closings, financial reporting. Managing relationship with auditors.


Providing standard costs of OEM parts in the automotive industry (Activity Base Costing method).


Parts quotation for OEM customers (Audi, VW, Opel, PSA, …).


Credit control. Aged trial balance follow up. Proposals and negociations recovery payment plans.


Part of the board in plants from 250 to 600 people -  "Sales, Operations, HR, Finance".


CAPEX for major investments, creating profitability models, sensitivity analyses.


Profitability analysis by asset, by customer, product mix improvement.


Leading asset capacity optimization with sales and product development departments.


Training, mentoring young controllers.


Managing of accounting teams, controllers, IS teams.


ERP implementation projetcs.


Negociations with Labor Unions (Bargaining agreements, Restructuration plans, …).





Operating Model implementation involving shop floor crews based in OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) daily follow up.


Quality improvement projects involving front line operators.


Warehouse layout re definition. In accordance with production cycles and service proposition (MTO, MTS, MTC).


SMED exercise (Single Minute Exchange of Dies).


Logisitic OTIF improvement program - OTIF (On time In Full).


Operator training to problem solving, root cause identification.


Key Standard Observation program implementation aiming to check the quality instructions available on the shop floor and to improve if necessary.



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Belgique - Luxembourg

© 2025 by deBro's Production

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